1. Four types of rigid couplings: (1) Flange couplings; (2) Radial rigid couplings; (3) Parallel shaft couplings; (4) Clamp couplings.
2. Six types of flexible couplings without elastic elements: (1) Slider couplings; (2) Gear couplings; (3) Chain couplings; (4) Roller couplings; (5) Ball coupling; (6) Universal coupling.
3. There are 13 types of metal elastic element couplings: (1) Diaphragm coupling; (2) Diaphragm coupling; (3) Spring coupling; (4) Serpentine spring coupling ; (5) Elastic rod coupling; (6) Helical spring coupling; (7) Floating coil spring coupling; (8) Coil spring coupling; (9) Laminated spring coupling; (10 ) Straight rod spring coupling; (11) Bellows coupling; (12) Spring tube coupling; (13) Film coupling.

4. 18 types of non-metallic elastic element couplings: (1) Plum blossom elastic coupling; (2) Elastic pin coupling; (3) Elastic sleeve pin coupling; (4) Radial Elastic pin coupling; (5) Elastic pin gear coupling; (6) Tire coupling; (7) Rubber metal ring coupling; (8) Core elastic coupling; (9) Polygonal elastic coupling; (10) elastic block coupling; (11) H-type spring block coupling; (12) sector block spring coupling; (13) concave ring coupling; (14) ) Saddle block elastic coupling; (15) Elastic live pin coupling; (16) Rubber sleeve coupling; (17) Elastic plate coupling; (18) Diaphragm rubber elastic coupling.
5. Five types of rigid safety couplings: (1) conflict safety coupling; (2) serpentine spring safety coupling; (3) internal expansion conflict safety coupling; (4) hydraulic safety Coupling; (5) Steel ball safety coupling.
6. Four types of flexible safety couplings: (1) steel sand type safety couplings; (2) pin shear type safety couplings; (3) steel ball type safety couplings; (4) ) Conflict disc type safety coupling.